How To Cool Water In a Fish Tank

Written By Valerie

Having worked in the Cooling industry for many years, I have a vast amount of knowledge and experience in different cooling methods.

The water temperature of a fish tank or aquarium is very important if you have a public or private fish tank or an aquarium. You might not be able to feel or see it but your fish certainly feels it. If you do not monitor the temperature of the water in your aquarium or fish tank, you are putting the lives of your fishes at stake.

All fish have an ideal temperature where they will thrive. In the wild, there is no one to keep the temperature of rivers and oceans to a specific degree for the fish to thrive. Come cold or heat, they fend for themselves. They can easily fend for themselves because the river and other water bodies are forever flowing and are so wide, the fishes can move anywhere they like.

Also, the weather helps to ensure that the fish in their natural habitats do not experience the same temperature for too long. So if this is the case, why do we suggest that your fish tanks and/or aquariums be kept at a stable and constant temperature?

Because the natural water bodies are so wide and deep that it takes a long time for the temperature to change. It can even take up to a season for the natural bodies to change in temperature.




The rapid change of water in your fish tank or an aquarium can cause your fish to have a high metabolism when the water becomes warm and make your fish be active or hyperactive, or it can cause your fish’s metabolism to become slower and cause your fish to be sluggish. It might not look bad for your fish but it is.

There are different recommended water temperatures for different fishes. Different fishes will fall under 2 different categories when it comes to water temperature that suits them.

  • Tropical fish: 75-80°F (24-27°C)
  • Cold-water fish: Below 68°F(20°C)

How To Cool Water In a Fish Tank

Fish breathe in oxygen from the water. If the temperature in your fish tank is high, the oxygen reduces for two reasons. First, warm water generally tends to hold less oxygen, and second, in warm water, your fish will be more active and will have to breathe in more oxygen than necessary.

While in cold water, your fish tend to become slow and sluggish which ultimately leads to their death. Just like when you have been exposed to cold weather without any clothes on, you will definitely catch a cold. So how can you cool or balance the water temperature in your fish tank? Let us find out.

  1. Using Extra Water

Pour cooler water into the fish tank using a bowl. Using a bowl will help you not to drop the temperature of your fish tank too rapidly. So you would have to pour the water gradually. This method is what I use for my aquarium. When I notice the temperature in the room going up, I check my aquarium. I remove part of the water in my aquarium and gradually add in new water. The more the water changes, the cooler the water in your aquarium or fish tank becomes. Make sure not to remove or add too much water at once. This might shock the fish.

  1. Reduce The Heater

Do not turn off your heater. If you do that, the temperature in the room and tank will drop immediately and this is not good for your fish. Also, you might forget to turn it back on. Reducing the heater will gradually reduce the temperature of the water in your fish tank which is good for your watery friends.

  1. Bag Of Ice

Fill up a bag with ice and put it in the fish tank. Endeavor to float the bag of ice in the water and not dunk it in. This way, the water will gradually cool down. When the temperature of the water has cooled, remove the bag of ice. Make sure not to lower the temperature more than 2-3°F in a 4-hour period because ice can cool the temperature in no time, so be vigilant.

Also, make sure you do not put ice cubes directly in the fish tank. If you do not have an ice pack, use a cold water bottle to cool down the temperature in your fish tank or aquarium. This is a quick way to cool down the water in your fish tank when there is no other equipment to make the water temperature cool. More like an emergency measure.

  1. Install A Chiller

Install a chiller in a well-ventilated fish tank or aquarium space. This will enable your fish tank to stay at the same temperature no matter how hot the weather gets. If you do not or cannot use a chiller, check the next tip.

  1. Use A Fan

Open your fish tank lid and position a fan to blow across the surface of the water. You may want to reduce the water in the fish tank to dissuade the fish from jumping out. Small fans or utility fans will do the trick. Make sure the fans do not make any noise so as not to disturb the fish. If you cannot do this, turn on the fans in the room where the fish tank or aquarium is positioned.

  1. Use An Air Conditioner

This is the best way to cool down an aquarium or a fish tank without a chiller. An air conditioner helps cool the entire room and hence keep the fish tanks or aquariums cool. This can help cool the fish artificial habitat at the same time if you have more than one. It also helps cool down the equipment that generates heat in your fish tank like the filters and lights. It is a win-win situation as you would get cooler also.

  1. Relocation

Moving your fish tank or aquarium to an area that is airy and cool, like near a window, is another good measure to keep the water in your fish tank or aquarium cool. If you are moving it close to the window, make sure that the sunlight is not directly on the fish.

  1. Water Circulation

This can also be known as “surface agitation”. This is when the water in the fish tank is constantly in the flow. You can use a pump to achieve this. The circulation of water dissipates the heat, the carbon dioxide evaporates out and new oxygen is introduced into the water. The water being circulated remains cool. It is one of the best strategies to keep the temperature low.

  1. Turn Off The Lights In The Fish Tank Or Aquarium

Some things in the fish tank or aquarium can generate heat for your watery friends. You can close or put off the light in the fish tank or aquarium but make sure to switch on the lights in the room so that the fish tank or aquarium is not completely dark. But make sure that there is an adequate flow of oxygen inside the tank.


Do not put two fishes with different temperature range in the same fish tank just because they can live at the same temperature. Example,

  • Fish 1- 54-63°F
  • Fish 2- 63-74°F

Because both fish can survive at 63°F, you make sure your fish tank water is at 63°F every time. If you do this, your fish will still get stressed. You are making your fish survive at the extreme of the temperature range they find comfortable. This is like creating a permanent winter for your fish.

Also, remember that just because your fish is surviving, does not mean it is thriving.
